Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 2 -- Redding to Redmond

Let me spoil it first -- we got to the Soderlunds safely after much traffic in the final leg. It took us 6 hours to get to Portland and then 5 more to get to Redding (mapgoogle it and you will see how bad the traffic was.

We met Steve Fox for lunch at the Subway in Portland.

It is noon and Alison is just getting up -- the life of the teenager. We have both been made to feel very welcome.

It is great to be in our new hometown.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 1 -- Escondido to Redding

We're Off!

We loaded up the car with anything breakable -- glass lamp shades, stereo equipment, tv, hard drive and then at 9:00 this morning we headed out. Making really good good time, we stopped for gas and restrooms, but didn't''t stop for lunch -- the peanuts, pretzels, raisin and M&M gorp tided us over nicely.

We did have a lovely dinner at Panda Express, while playing rhyming go fish ""I am so busy filling my face -- do you have an ace?"

We head out tomorrow at 7:00 and meet up with Steve in Lake Oswego.

650 miles today, 600 tomorrow. Tired off to bed.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Preface -- the night before

From San Diego

To Seattle

From Southern California to the Pacific North West

Tomorrow Is The Big Day

After 20 years in San Diego County -- 15 in Escondido -- we head off for the next big adventure, pastoring Creekside Covenant Church in Redmond, Washington,

So many friends have been interested in our move and our settling in that I decided to create this blog so anybody who is interested (mom) can follow along. I leave tomorrow -- with Alison, the movers come on the 27th and Kelly, Matt and Leah come on the 30th. This site will be around for a couple of weeks or months or however long it keeps my attention.

Anyway, tomorrow morning Alison and I set out. We have our google map printed out and are set to go. We will miss you SoCal, but are looking forward to loving you PNW.

Enjoy the ride, share your thoughts.